
Dreams. Ambition. Sacrifice.

John Jasper wants a life less ordinary.
Determined to pursue his dream career, the missteps, compromises and transgressions he makes along the journey lead to dire consequences. 

The Jasper Musical is a new Australian work for stage inspired in part by Charles Dickens’ unfinished novel, The Mystery Of Edwin Drood. It reimagines Dickens’ final tale in a contemporary setting adding to the central themes of love and obsession, an examination of the potentially destructive nature of ambition that asks: what price for success? 

The show is in two acts and is characterised by a fusion of musical styles ranging from opera to electronic dance music. It has a minimum casting of 13 performers (five principal / eight supporting) that can be expanded to suit the needs of larger ensembles. The music is orchestrated for piano, keyboard (synth), viola and pre-recorded electronic music.

The running time is 145 minutes.